[Date updated: 2022/05/26(Thu) 22:41:11]
 anyone remember who ry*na was?
 He used to post regularly during "teh golden age" and I think he was 
  kind of a fag, I don't remember much more than that (´~`)
  I found this in my IRC/dicksword logs during "TEH CRASH":
  <Kuznetsov> Its not looking well due to the fact that both of the 
              developers have been asleep for the past 15 hours
  <Kuznetsov> It will likely take days
  <Kuznetsov> I suspect that only the most loyal users are actually going 
              to remain after this passes
  <Ry*na>     There is no loyality in imagebaords
  <Ry*na>     What do u mean
  <Kuznetsov> Maybe for your shitty zoomer xchans
  <Ry*na>     I will go post on anywhere that doesnt have cucktcha
  <Ry*na>     Thats my only wish
  <Kuznetsov> That is why you are a 2nd class citizen
  I guess that explains why he left LOL (´∇`)
  I wonder where did those people come from/are doing nowadays. Might
    it be worth going to find and re-invite them?
