4005. Matari AA (WIP) UPDATE   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/29(Sun) 02:39:10          
- new font-size option (12px & 16px), selection will be remembered
- textarea background image changes with font size selection (wow!)
- subtle background grafix
- info now in a k00l box that can be minimized (not remembered yet...)
- buttons a lot less janky (still has some jank...)
- everything less janky in general
- actually implemented the buttons beyond the first page, LOL
- there's now a page dedicated to ヽ(´ー`)ノ

https://2ch.sh/src/2401.png ← showing the small font setting and styles

4006. >Anonymous-san   User: Kuznetsov   Post date: 2022/05/29(Sun) 04:21:58             
> - new font-size option (12px & 16px), selection will be remembered
> - textarea background image changes with font size selection (wow!)
> - subtle background grafix
> - info now in a k00l box that can be minimized (not remembered yet...)
> - buttons a lot less janky (still has some jank...)
> - everything less janky in general
> - actually implemented the buttons beyond the first page, LOL
> - there's now a page dedicated to ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> https://2ch.sh/src/2401.png ← showing the small font setting and styles

This is going to rank in one of the top 10 software ive ever used once 
its finished (^Д^)

Reference: 2022/05/28(Sat) 22:39:10

4007. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/29(Sun) 04:37:43          
> - new font-size option (12px & 16px), selection will be remembered
> - textarea background image changes with font size selection (wow!)
> - subtle background grafix
> - info now in a k00l box that can be minimized (not remembered yet...)
> - buttons a lot less janky (still has some jank...)
> - everything less janky in general
> - actually implemented the buttons beyond the first page, LOL
> - there's now a page dedicated to ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> https://2ch.sh/src/2401.png ← showing the small font setting and styles

is this based off something else or a pre-existing website?

Reference: 2022/05/28(Sat) 22:39:10

4008. >Kuznetsov-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/29(Sun) 05:10:48          
> > - new font-size option (12px & 16px), selection will be remembered
> > - textarea background image changes with font size selection (wow!)
> > - subtle background grafix
> > - info now in a k00l box that can be minimized (not remembered yet...)
> > - buttons a lot less janky (still has some jank...)
> > - everything less janky in general
> > - actually implemented the buttons beyond the first page, LOL
> > - there's now a page dedicated to ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> > https://2ch.sh/src/2401.png ← showing the small font setting and styles
> This is going to rank in one of the top 10 software ive ever used once 
> its finished (^Д^)

If I actually knew JavaScript and wasn't just stealin' small snippets 
off teh interwebs and crudely gluing them to my handcoded HTML+CSS, it 
would be way better... but alas, I am not a programmer ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Hopefully someone else can improve upon it once my part is done - I 
have already pretty much given up on making it stay on the last tab you 
selected, shit was giving me a headache (;´Д`)

Reference: 2022/05/29(Sun) 00:21:58

4009. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/29(Sun) 05:11:51          
> > - new font-size option (12px & 16px), selection will be remembered
> > - textarea background image changes with font size selection (wow!)
> > - subtle background grafix
> > - info now in a k00l box that can be minimized (not remembered yet...)
> > - buttons a lot less janky (still has some jank...)
> > - everything less janky in general
> > - actually implemented the buttons beyond the first page, LOL
> > - there's now a page dedicated to ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> > https://2ch.sh/src/2401.png ← showing the small font setting and styles
> is this based off something else or a pre-existing website?

It's inspired by old 2ch AA editors like these:

All my ayashii AA up until now (which is basically all the AA ever 
posted here that wasn't by lg-san) has been made by having one of these 
ancient Japanese-only programs open to the side, and manually copypast-
ing the symbols from the program into the post form...

But one day I had an epiphany and thought "hey, I know HTML+CSS, why 
don't I stealz teh 'click buton to add kaomoji to textarea' script and 
design my own simple web-based Ayashii AA editor! ヽ(´∇`)ノ"

And so I did ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Obviously it won't have the more advanced features those programs have 
(like tracing, autotracing, showing where all the spaces and newlines 
are, etc.), but it's better than nothing ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2022/05/29(Sun) 00:37:43

4021.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/30(Mon) 03:11:28          
I've had 「Ascii Art Editor」 for a while but haven't done much with it
because I couldn't really figure out all of the options and etc.

I feel like I've seen some sort of translated guide for these pieces of software before
but I might just be misremembering (´~`)

Also is there any working download link for 「(´д`)Edit」? Can't seem to find one (゚A゚)

Reference: 2022/05/29(Sun) 01:11:51

4022. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/30(Mon) 03:30:03          
> I've had 「Ascii Art Editor」 for a while but haven't done much with it
> because I couldn't really figure out all of the options and etc.
> I feel like I've seen some sort of translated guide for these pieces of software before
> but I might just be misremembering (´~`)
> Also is there any working download link for 「(´д`)Edit」? Can't seem to find one (゚A゚)

Here you go: http://yaruoislife.jp/blog-entry-30587.html

Reference: 2022/05/29(Sun) 23:11:28

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