3604.    User: kaguya   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 16:18:17             
Without entering the close-source debate, here are some Kokonotsuba features
that aren't currently enabled on Heyuri at the moment:

Country flags, chatrooms, private-messaging feature across tripcode users, 
soudane liek on futaba, post tags, filters... and few more (´ー`)

3605. >kaguya-san   User: Kuznetsov   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 16:21:45             
> Without entering the close-source debate, here are some Kokonotsuba features
> that aren't currently enabled on Heyuri at the moment:
> Country flags, chatrooms, private-messaging feature across tripcode users, 
> soudane liek on futaba, post tags, filters... and few more (´ー`)

Setting aside the massive amount of backend differences which have
been tailored to fit our stuff.. heres some more: showip (a module which
displays users half-obsfucated IPs like on some japanese boards), built
in polling feature (seperate from /vote/), an EDIT module which allows
you to edit your posts if you have the delete key

Reference: 2022/05/09(Mon) 12:18:17

3606. >Kuznetsov-san   User: penis penis penis penis desu   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 18:07:34             
> > Without entering the close-source debate, here are some Kokonotsuba features
> > that aren't currently enabled on Heyuri at the moment:
> > Country flags, chatrooms, private-messaging feature across tripcode users, 
> > soudane liek on futaba, post tags, filters... and few more (´ー`)
> Setting aside the massive amount of backend differences which have
> been tailored to fit our stuff.. heres some more: showip (a module which
> displays users half-obsfucated IPs like on some japanese boards), built
> in polling feature (seperate from /vote/), an EDIT module which allows
> you to edit your posts if you have the delete key

why in the flying fuck would you have a modular system (which I assume you didn't choose because the code isn't yours) if the warez aren't publicly available (people can't create their own plugins)? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Reference: 2022/05/09(Mon) 12:21:45

3607. >penis penis penis penis desu-san   User: Kuznetsov   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 18:56:56             
> > Setting aside the massive amount of backend differences which have
> > been tailored to fit our stuff.. heres some more: showip (a module which
> > displays users half-obsfucated IPs like on some japanese boards), built
> > in polling feature (seperate from /vote/), an EDIT module which allows
> > you to edit your posts if you have the delete key
> why in the flying fuck would you have a modular system (which I assume you didn't choose because the code isn't yours) if the warez aren't publicly available (people can't create their own plugins)? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Because thats not the purpose of the module system. Its so that different
boards which use kokonotsuba can serve different means. For example
we dont need flags on heyuri, so we can just enable the flag module on
nihongoch and no where else, or just enable to worldfilter here but not
there, or whatever. Also the code is ours, kokonotsuba has almost nothing
to do with pixmicat anymore.  We've rewrote almost everything except a 
few of the absolutely most basic parts and even thos are scheduled
for rewrites. 

And no we will not just "start over" because koko isnt fast. We got this 
far and will continue fixing it up and making it better. No project that
was wiped from scratch and started over ever turned out better, you just
lose good progress and end up making the same mistakes which you could
have easily just fixed. I know, from experience. 

Also, break your posts, instead of typing in long lines.

Reference: 2022/05/09(Mon) 14:07:34

3608. >penis penis penis penis desu-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 21:00:07          
> > Setting aside the massive amount of backend differences which have
> > been tailored to fit our stuff.. heres some more: showip (a module which
> > displays users half-obsfucated IPs like on some japanese boards), built
> > in polling feature (seperate from /vote/), an EDIT module which allows
> > you to edit your posts if you have the delete key
> why in the flying fuck would you have a modular system (which I assume you didn't choose because the code isn't yours) if the warez aren't publicly available (people can't create their own plugins)? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Penis penis penis penis desu-san, please ignore the haters. The dino-
saurs of the proprietary software age (1969-last Thursday) can't see 
what visionaries like you and I can see, so it's useless trying to talk 
sense into them

You seem very knowledgable in this area, and clearly have a lot of 
bright and innovative ideas - therefore, you have my full support in 
heading the new "Free/Libre Open Source Software Replacement for Kokono-
tsuba Which Totally Sux and Me and My Hundreds of Volunteer Developers 
Are the Future" project. FLOSSRfKWTSaMaMHoVDAtF, for short
When your script inevitably reaches parity with kokonotsuba - no, when 
it EXCEEDS kokonotsuba in every possible way - we shall throw kuz down 
a well and adopt your new, professionally-written script as Heyuri's 
official imageboard software. And what a glorious day that will be!

I don't think you need my instruction, but you may start whenever you 
are ready - in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you've already started! 
As a non-developer myself, I'll be here designing the logo. I eagerly 
await the final result! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2022/05/09(Mon) 14:07:34

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