3595.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 03:55:26          
I think the reason that ayashii is the biggest board on heyuri and so fast
is because its literally fast, its very optimized and its easy to post
here, unlike /b/ where it takes 20 minutes to load everything and wait 
for the post to go through

3596. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 04:32:45          
> I think the reason that ayashii is the biggest board on heyuri and so fast
> is because its literally fast, its very optimized and its easy to post
> here, unlike /b/ where it takes 20 minutes to load everything and wait 
> for the post to go through

This has been brought up before too (;´Д`)

Reference: 2022/05/08(Sun) 23:55:26

3600. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 13:17:39          
> I think the reason that ayashii is the biggest board on heyuri and so fast
> is because its literally fast, its very optimized and its easy to post
> here, unlike /b/ where it takes 20 minutes to load everything and wait 
> for the post to go through
heyuri is slow because kokonotsuba is built on top of ancient un-optimized software. i have never gotten why they insist on using in house software, instead of well optimized, modern, and professional open source software that can hold thousands of posts without slowing down. ┐(゚~゚)┌
i guess they think open source = more vulnerabilities, but honestly it's quite the opposite. if your source code is publicly available, theirs more of an incentive to make it as secure and simplistic as possible. also, you have the benefit of hundreds of volunteer developers  ヽ(´∇`)ノ
tl;dr in house proprietary software is an old concept and open source/free software is the future ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2022/05/08(Sun) 23:55:26

3602. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 14:44:57          
> > I think the reason that ayashii is the biggest board on heyuri and so fast
> > is because its literally fast, its very optimized and its easy to post
> > here, unlike /b/ where it takes 20 minutes to load everything and wait 
> > for the post to go through
> heyuri is slow because kokonotsuba is built on top of ancient un-optimized software. i have never gotten why they insist on using in house software, instead of well optimized, modern, and professional open source software that can hold thousands of posts without slowing down. ┐(゚~゚)┌
> i guess they think open source = more vulnerabilities, but honestly it's quite the opposite. if your source code is publicly available, theirs more of an incentive to make it as secure and simplistic as possible. also, you have the benefit of hundreds of volunteer developers  ヽ(´∇`)ノ
> tl;dr in house proprietary software is an old concept and open source/free software is the future ヽ(´ー`)ノ

I'm pro-"making Heyuri software open source" too, if for no other 
reason than it would make it as easy to troubleshoot as Strange World 
(see: the X-Frame-Options issue yesterday that was solved quickly 
thanks to a non-staff member being able to look through the script)

However... you have to admit that virtually all the open source image-
board scripts out there are equally as poorly written/optimized, are 
also based on ancient code, and are also in absolutely no way "profes-
sional" - and worse still, most of them haven't been updated in at 
least 10-20 years, because that's when the imageboard format's heyday 
was (;´Д`)

And in the exceedingly rare cases that they do avoid a couple of those 
pitfalls, they're usually so far removed from the traditional image-
board format that they're undesirable to anyone who would want to use 
it (;´Д`)

The only imageboard script in the world that is (mostly) traditional, 
is well optimized, and is proven to be able to handle over a million 
posts per day without completely falling on its ass is... 4chan! 
(since the 2012 rewrite anyway - it used to run like crap before that)

...and it's closed source!!! (;´Д`)

Reference: 2022/05/09(Mon) 09:17:39

3603. >Anonymous-san   User: Kuznetsov   Post date: 2022/05/09(Mon) 15:45:00             
> > I think the reason that ayashii is the biggest board on heyuri and so fast
> > is because its literally fast, its very optimized and its easy to post
> > here, unlike /b/ where it takes 20 minutes to load everything and wait 
> > for the post to go through
> heyuri is slow because kokonotsuba is built on top of ancient un-optimized software. i have never gotten why they insist on using in house software, instead of well optimized, modern, and professional open source software that can hold thousands of posts without slowing down. ┐(゚~゚)┌
> i guess they think open source = more vulnerabilities, but honestly it's quite the opposite. if your source code is publicly available, theirs more of an incentive to make it as secure and simplistic as possible. also, you have the benefit of hundreds of volunteer developers  ヽ(´∇`)ノ
> tl;dr in house proprietary software is an old concept and open source/free software is the future ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Time and time again people say this, but we dont live in a utopic world.
You think just because somethings open source means people will
contribute? If that were true kokonotsuba's javascript should be much better. 
Its public and open source in a kokonotsuba-js github repository
Every time someone brings up koko not being open source i mention this

Kokonotsuba may not be the fastest but its definitely special, it has alot of
cool features which make the boards that use it unique. The fact only a 
select few sites can use it contributes to those sites value in a special way.

Kokonotsuba would be alot better and faster if outside circumstances these
past 2 months hadnt made the development scene much more difficult, also
barry is missing ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Reference: 2022/05/09(Mon) 09:17:39

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