[Date updated: 2022/04/14(Thu) 21:37:26]
 I tried going on irc and taking to kuz but left after a minute, it was too weird to meet him face to face in a chatroom, hes a very "large" and imposing figure. Not rude or anything, he was polite, but i didnt know what to say so i left ( ’~’)
 There is a joke I want to make about this but it almost certainly is
 ││a blatant violation of rule 8 (;´Д`)
 │ │
 │ └I was gonna say...
   "so you are saying ..... Kuz is a big guy???
   ....for you?"
   User: kaguya
   ││nothing about this is rule 8 breaking (;´Д`)
   ││I don't know if that joke has been used in a way that you would think is Rule 8 breaking
   ││in a place that I am not aware, but it's a /f/ joke that could make me LOL
   ││So please don't hesitate to post whatever is in ur mind, you likely won't break Rule 8
   ││that easily
   │└It's a /tv/ meme from 2012 that had a surprise resurgence in 2014-2016, 
     but it was never coopted, never hit the mainstream, and it's not lame 
     "this is you" crap, so it's exempt from Rule 8 in my books (even if it 
     is a little tired at this point)
   I don't get it (?ω?)
    Getting caught was part of his plan, but he didn't fly so good ヽ(´ー`)ノ
     what the fuck are you saying ( ´ω`)
      ( ´ω`)( ´ω`)( ´ω`)
      No one cared who Anonymous-san was before he put on the mask. Who he is 
        doesn't matter - what matters is his plan:
        Crashing this board... with no survivors!!! ヽ(゚皿゚/)ノ
 User: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!
   kuz kuz kuz kuz kuz kuz kuz kuz (・ω・)
