[Date updated: 2021/10/29(Fri) 04:20:20]
 I miss the old internet (´ー`)
 Do you like heyuri?
  I do, a lot ヽ(´∇`)ノ
   It reminds me of how simple and happy things were back then (・∀・)
   I am thinking these days that I should simply throw the whole web 2.0 era
   into the trash and simply embracing the web 1.0 era internet. But I don't 
   honestly know how can I do that...
   Maybe just installing a 2005 browser? (・∀・)
   Its actually super easy and its a time tested Heyuri tradition. Most importantly,
    if you use windows search for cleartype and turn it off to disable anti aliasing.
    This will give you the older effect, and it makes heyuri look awesome. That
    alone does alot, but if you want to go further get XP in a VM, or just download
    an older version of firefox (´ー`)
    I use Debian stretch, but I have virtualbox installed, actually I have 
     a Pentium 4 HT PC hanging around here, maybe I will try giving it a
     try in it! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
     Install ms core fonts to get times new roman and disable anti aliasing in your
      Also thank you my fellow anonymous-san ( ´ω`)
       but ayashii is TEH UGLY nao ( ’~’)
       I fixed by switching the Japanese script to Times New Roman as well! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
        Now ayashii looks awesome as well (・∀・)
        I actually got MS PMincho nao ヽ(´∇`)ノ
         MS PGothic is the only way
