1763. Poppy69   User: lg   Post date: 2021/10/26(Tue) 23:47:17             
Okay, I made a new one, but make sure your browser does not translate the page's contents to english and some of the page's text is in verbatim Japanese. This prevents AA messing up.
I've checked english text and AA and they all work on it, so if you have any problems, email me 


1764. >lg-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/10/27(Wed) 00:45:03          
> Okay, I made a new one, but make sure your browser does not translate the page's contents to english and some of the page's text is in verbatim Japanese. This prevents AA messing up.
> I've checked english text and AA and they all work on it, so if you have any problems, email me 
> (;´Д`)(;´Д`)(;´Д`)
> https://bbs1.sekkaku.net/bbs/poppyx69/


...the fonts are still fux0r'd (;´Д`)

The font-family applied to the body element on ur board is currently:
"Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN", "ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3", Meiryo, メイリオ, 
Osaka, "MS PGothic", arial, helvetica, sans-serif

The way font-family works is that a browser will go through the list 
from left to right until it finds the first font that the machine has 
available. On most Windows machines that would be Meiryo, which is a 
standard Windows font - everything after that point will be ignored, 
and ur AA will appear completely messed up for a lot of people (;´Д`)

The only font out of all of those fonts that will make 2ch-style AA 
appear correctly is MS PGothic, another standard Windows font which is 
kept around for compatibility's sake. So really it should be more along 
the lines of:

"MS PGothic", [other AA compatible fonts], sans-serif

That way it will prioritize MS PGothic, look for other suitable fonts 
if it can't find it, and as a last resort it will just load whatever 
the browser's default sans-serif font is

That last one is important, otherwise you end up with shit like the 
"Heyuri Classic" style that just has "Osaka" in the font-family - it 
won't display any freaking text at all until Osaka has downloaded 
(which takes ages cuz it's 1MB and Heyuri is teh slow), whereas if you 
had sans-serif or serif in there it would at least display that until 
Osaka is available. (;´Д`) WTF kuz...

Reference: 2021/10/26(Tue) 19:47:17

1765. >Anonymous-san   User: Kuznetsov   Post date: 2021/10/27(Wed) 01:23:56             
> > Okay, I made a new one, but make sure your browser does not translate the page's contents to english and some of the page's text is in verbatim Japanese. This prevents AA messing up.
> > I've checked english text and AA and they all work on it, so if you have any problems, email me 
> > (;´Д`)(;´Д`)(;´Д`)
> > https://bbs1.sekkaku.net/bbs/poppyx69/
> ...the fonts are still fux0r'd (;´Д`)
> The font-family applied to the body element on ur board is currently:
> "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN", "ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3", Meiryo, メイリオ, 
> Osaka, "MS PGothic", arial, helvetica, sans-serif
> The way font-family works is that a browser will go through the list 
> from left to right until it finds the first font that the machine has 
> available. On most Windows machines that would be Meiryo, which is a 
> standard Windows font - everything after that point will be ignored, 
> and ur AA will appear completely messed up for a lot of people (;´Д`)
> The only font out of all of those fonts that will make 2ch-style AA 
> appear correctly is MS PGothic, another standard Windows font which is 
> kept around for compatibility's sake. So really it should be more along 
> the lines of:
> "MS PGothic", [other AA compatible fonts], sans-serif
> That way it will prioritize MS PGothic, look for other suitable fonts 
> if it can't find it, and as a last resort it will just load whatever 
> the browser's default sans-serif font is
> That last one is important, otherwise you end up with shit like the 
> "Heyuri Classic" style that just has "Osaka" in the font-family - it 
> won't display any freaking text at all until Osaka has downloaded 
> (which takes ages cuz it's 1MB and Heyuri is teh slow), whereas if you 
> had sans-serif or serif in there it would at least display that until 
> Osaka is available. (;´Д`) WTF kuz...

Heyuri is fast (;´Д`) right?

Reference: 2021/10/26(Tue) 20:45:03

1766. >Kuznetsov-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/10/27(Wed) 01:43:37          
> Heyuri is fast (;´Д`) right?

Sure - it just has a special anti-DDoS feature where it tricks would-be 
attackers into thinking it's already being DDoS'd, rite? (´∇`)

Reference: 2021/10/26(Tue) 21:23:56

1767. >Anonymous-san   User: Kuznetsov   Post date: 2021/10/27(Wed) 01:55:14             
> > Heyuri is fast (;´Д`) right?
> Sure - it just has a special anti-DDoS feature where it tricks would-be 
> attackers into thinking it's already being DDoS'd, rite? (´∇`)

(;´Д`) Damn you, I spend alot of money to keep all my servers online with
good speeds

Reference: 2021/10/26(Tue) 21:43:37

1768. >Kuznetsov-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/10/27(Wed) 02:13:59          
> > Sure - it just has a special anti-DDoS feature where it tricks would-be 
> > attackers into thinking it's already being DDoS'd, rite? (´∇`)
> (;´Д`) Damn you, I spend alot of money to keep all my servers online with
> good speeds

I'm mostly joking... EXCEPT for posting on kokonotsuba boards, which is 
TEH SLOW and seemed to get significantly worse around a month or so ago 

Reference: 2021/10/26(Tue) 21:55:14

1769. >Anonymous-san   User: Kuznetsov   Post date: 2021/10/27(Wed) 02:48:49             
> > (;´Д`) Damn you, I spend alot of money to keep all my servers online with
> > good speeds
> I'm mostly joking... EXCEPT for posting on kokonotsuba boards, which is 
> TEH SLOW and seemed to get significantly worse around a month or so ago 
> (;´Д`)

Posting speeds were drastically reduced a month ago in order to bring up
page loading speeds. I find that people lurk more than post and it seemed
it would be better to speed up one rather than the other (;´Д`)

Pixmicat is an ancient software written by taiwanese neets and did not 
take into account that it would be loaded up with 50 new modules, and used
on boards that have tens of thousands of posts loaded at once. Also, its
just terribly unoptimized, and it would take large parts of the code being
rewritten for it to experience any noticeable improvement. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Considering there are far more pressing things to spend money on fixing, I
have put it pretty far back on the list, at least until I get another dev who
can share the workload (;´Д`)(;´Д`)

Reference: 2021/10/26(Tue) 22:13:59

1772. >Kuznetsov-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/10/27(Wed) 04:25:51          
> > I'm mostly joking... EXCEPT for posting on kokonotsuba boards, which is 
> > TEH SLOW and seemed to get significantly worse around a month or so ago 
> > (;´Д`)
> Posting speeds were drastically reduced a month ago in order to bring up
> page loading speeds. I find that people lurk more than post and it seemed
> it would be better to speed up one rather than the other (;´Д`)
> Pixmicat is an ancient software written by taiwanese neets and did not 
> take into account that it would be loaded up with 50 new modules, and used
> on boards that have tens of thousands of posts loaded at once. Also, its
> just terribly unoptimized, and it would take large parts of the code being
> rewritten for it to experience any noticeable improvement. ヽ(`Д´)ノ
> Considering there are far more pressing things to spend money on fixing, I
> have put it pretty far back on the list, at least until I get another dev who
> can share the workload (;´Д`)(;´Д`)

I get it - imageboard software is always like being stuck between a 
rock and a hard place. It just puts me off posting on those boards a 
little, cuz it takes way too freaking long for posts to go through - it 
feels like the site is constantly being hit with a DDoS attack, some-
times even when you're just browsing (;´Д`)

I'd rather post here instead, where it's still lightning fast... I 
suspect that might partly explain why Strange World has largely over-
taken all the kokonotsuba boards this past month (;^Д^)

Reference: 2021/10/26(Tue) 22:48:49

1774. >Kuznetsov-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/10/27(Wed) 09:07:04          
> > I'm mostly joking... EXCEPT for posting on kokonotsuba boards, which is 
> > TEH SLOW and seemed to get significantly worse around a month or so ago 
> > (;´Д`)
> Posting speeds were drastically reduced a month ago in order to bring up
> page loading speeds. I find that people lurk more than post and it seemed
> it would be better to speed up one rather than the other (;´Д`)
> Pixmicat is an ancient software written by taiwanese neets and did not 
> take into account that it would be loaded up with 50 new modules, and used
> on boards that have tens of thousands of posts loaded at once. Also, its
> just terribly unoptimized, and it would take large parts of the code being
> rewritten for it to experience any noticeable improvement. ヽ(`Д´)ノ
> Considering there are far more pressing things to spend money on fixing, I
> have put it pretty far back on the list, at least until I get another dev who
> can share the workload (;´Д`)(;´Д`)

Reverse caching proxy (゚Д゚)y─┛~~

Reference: 2021/10/26(Tue) 22:48:49

1776. >Anonymous-san   User: Kuznetsov   Post date: 2021/10/27(Wed) 16:04:21             
> > Posting speeds were drastically reduced a month ago in order to bring up
> > page loading speeds. I find that people lurk more than post and it seemed
> > it would be better to speed up one rather than the other (;´Д`)
> > Pixmicat is an ancient software written by taiwanese neets and did not 
> > take into account that it would be loaded up with 50 new modules, and used
> > on boards that have tens of thousands of posts loaded at once. Also, its
> > just terribly unoptimized, and it would take large parts of the code being
> > rewritten for it to experience any noticeable improvement. ヽ(`Д´)ノ
> > Considering there are far more pressing things to spend money on fixing, I
> > have put it pretty far back on the list, at least until I get another dev who
> > can share the workload (;´Д`)(;´Д`)
> I get it - imageboard software is always like being stuck between a 
> rock and a hard place. It just puts me off posting on those boards a 
> little, cuz it takes way too freaking long for posts to go through - it 
> feels like the site is constantly being hit with a DDoS attack, some-
> times even when you're just browsing (;´Д`)
> I'd rather post here instead, where it's still lightning fast... I 
> suspect that might partly explain why Strange World has largely over-
> taken all the kokonotsuba boards this past month (;^Д^)

Really? Is that why my beloved /b/ is dead? (;´Д`)

Reference: 2021/10/27(Wed) 00:25:51

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