943. Chiyo Chan says: Make an anonymous wish!   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/07/01(Thu) 21:31:40          
                 _,.. ---- .._
              ,. '"       `丶、
              /            ` 、
            ,..-‐/    ...:  ,ィ  ,.i .∧ ,   ヽ.
         ,:'  .l .::;',. :::;/..://:: /,':/  ', l、 .i  ヽ
.          ,'  ..::| .::;',' :;:','フ'7フ''7/   ',.ト',_|, , ',.',
       ,'   .::::::!'''l/!:;'/ /'゙  /     '! ゙;:|:、.|、| 'l
.         ,'.  .:::::::{ l'.l/  、_  _,.      'l/',|.';|
       l  :::::::::::';、ヾ      ̄     `‐-‐'/! ';. '
.         ! :::::::::::/ `‐、        ゝ   |'゙ | 
       | ::::::::/   \    、_, _.,.,_ ノ::: !
       |::::/.     _rl`': 、_     ///;ト,゙;:::::./
..      `´      /\\  `i;┬:////゙l゙l ヾ/
                ,.:く::::::::`:、\ 〉l゙:l  / !.|
.            /:.:.:.:\:.:.:.:.`:、ソ/:.:|    | |
           /.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:\:.:.:.:У:.:;l   /./
.          /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.r'´`‐,`、:/.,.:‐{   | !`:、
           ,'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.';_,゚.,ノ.:./,:':.:.:.:',  | |`、:|
           !:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.゙、:.::/:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽ, / ,!:.:`、

944. >Anonymous-san   User: lg   Post date: 2021/07/01(Thu) 22:18:58             
>                  _,.. ---- .._
>               ,. '"       `丶、
>               /            ` 、
>             ,..-‐/    ...:  ,ィ  ,.i .∧ ,   ヽ.
>          ,:'  .l .::;',. :::;/..://:: /,':/  ', l、 .i  ヽ
> .          ,'  ..::| .::;',' :;:','フ'7フ''7/   ',.ト',_|, , ',.',
>        ,'   .::::::!'''l/!:;'/ /'゙  /     '! ゙;:|:、.|、| 'l
> .         ,'.  .:::::::{ l'.l/  、_  _,.      'l/',|.';|
>        l  :::::::::::';、ヾ      ̄     `‐-‐'/! ';. '
> .         ! :::::::::::/ `‐、        ゝ   |'゙ | 
>        | ::::::::/   \    、_, _.,.,_ ノ::: !
>        |::::/.     _rl`': 、_     ///;ト,゙;:::::./
> ..      `´      /\\  `i;┬:////゙l゙l ヾ/
>                 ,.:く::::::::`:、\ 〉l゙:l  / !.|
> .            /:.:.:.:\:.:.:.:.`:、ソ/:.:|    | |
>            /.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:\:.:.:.:У:.:;l   /./
> .          /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.r'´`‐,`、:/.,.:‐{   | !`:、
>            ,'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.';_,゚.,ノ.:./,:':.:.:.:',  | |`、:|
>            !:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.゙、:.::/:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽ, / ,!:.:`、

       ●      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   ●(・∀・)●/ I wish I can grow to be tall and big!
     ●||●  \  Plus MSPGothic AA's like this one look bad with 
       ))      |    MSGothic ;゜Д゜
..     ((       \______________
    | ̄ ̄ ̄|
    \    /

Reference: 2021/07/01(Thu) 17:31:40

945. >lg-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/07/02(Fri) 02:36:55          
Is Ayashii Art the same as Ascii Art (monospaced) or something
 different? Please help me, I am a noob (-_- ;)

Reference: 2021/07/01(Thu) 18:18:58

946. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/07/02(Fri) 14:16:59          
> Is Ayashii Art the same as Ascii Art (monospaced) or something
>  different? Please help me, I am a noob (-_- ;)

Ayashii World uses Japanese monospace fonts, while 2ch and other places 
use Japanese proportional fonts

Proportional means that the width of each character can vary, and 
different fonts have different spacings to each other. MS PGothic is 
the one that 2ch-style AA is based on, because that was the default 
Japanese sans-serif font on Windows-based web browsers

Monospace Japanese fonts have all fullーwidth characters at 
equal width, and all half-width characters are exactly half that size. 
The traditional font is MS Gothic, because that was the default 
Japanese monospace font on Windows-based web browsers

The following lines should all appear the same width:
                                                                ← Tabs
                                                                ← Spaces
萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌← Full-width
αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘ← Greek letters
                                ← Blank spaces

Reference: 2021/07/01(Thu) 22:36:55

948. >Anonymous-san   User: lg   Post date: 2021/07/02(Fri) 19:39:01             
So let me simplify this:

2ch style AA's will look bad on Ayashii World because Ayashii uses a monospaced font called "MS Gothic" while on other textboards such as the ones on kuz's website, kolyma.net, and others use a proportional font called "MS PGothic". The difference between these two fonts is that the letter, number, and symbol width on MSGothic are the same, While the letter, number, and symbol width on MS PGothic have different widths.

The way you can format 2ch style AA's to Ayashii AA's is through Notepad. Open Notepad on your computer and change the font to MSPGothic on size 12. Copy and paste the AA to see what it looks like if you post it on boards with MS PGothic. Now just switch the font to MS Gothic to see what it looks like on boards with MS Gothic. Especially this one.

You can try to replace the full width spaces with half width spaces, and also modify the AA a little so it looks good.

The same goes with making AA's with MS PGothic. Heres what I do:

When I was new to textboards, I had a lot of trouble with making my AA's look right. After a few weeks I found out that I had to use a diffrent kind of space. The full-width space.

So before I post my AA's on textboards. I ALWAYS make sure that all the spaces are full-width. It wont turn out right if you use half-width spaces.

Reference: 2021/07/02(Fri) 10:16:59

949. >lg-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/07/02(Fri) 21:22:06          
> When I was new to textboards, I had a lot of trouble with making my AA's look right. After a few weeks I found out that I had to use a diffrent kind of space. The full-width space.
> So before I post my AA's on textboards. I ALWAYS make sure that all the spaces are full-width. It wont turn out right if you use half-width spaces.

You can actually use half-width spaces in 2ch AA, you just can't begin 
a line with a half-width space nor place multiple half-width spaces 
right next to each other

You can avoid that limitation by placing half-width spaces after and in 
between full-width spaces, like this: →     ←

Reference: 2021/07/02(Fri) 15:39:01

951. >Anonymous-san   User: lg   Post date: 2021/07/02(Fri) 21:46:42             
> > When I was new to textboards, I had a lot of trouble with making my AA's look right. After a few weeks I found out that I had to use a diffrent kind of space. The full-width space.
> > So before I post my AA's on textboards. I ALWAYS make sure that all the spaces are full-width. It wont turn out right if you use half-width spaces.
> You can actually use half-width spaces in 2ch AA, you just can't begin 
> a line with a half-width space nor place multiple half-width spaces 
> right next to each other
> You can avoid that limitation by placing half-width spaces after and in 
> between full-width spaces, like this: →     ←

Oh thanks! That was one mistake that I had been doing and it gave me problems

Reference: 2021/07/02(Fri) 17:22:06

952. >lg-san   User: lg   Post date: 2021/07/02(Fri) 21:48:58             
> > You can actually use half-width spaces in 2ch AA, you just can't begin 
> > a line with a half-width space nor place multiple half-width spaces 
> > right next to each other
> > You can avoid that limitation by placing half-width spaces after and in 
> > between full-width spaces, like this: →     ←
> Oh thanks! That was one mistake that I had been doing and it gave me problems
I also feel like such a dumbass for recommending that T__T excuse me

Reference: 2021/07/02(Fri) 17:46:42

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