[Date updated: 2021/06/23(Wed) 03:58:39]
 User: lg
 I wish I can make a bbs like this one or something
  I'm currently programming a frontend that's a clone of this site .
 Do you mean set up your own instance of this script, or write a new BBS 
  script from scratch? The former is relatively easy, but the latter is 
  something that only a few people in this world have ever managed to 
  pull off (and even fewer have managed to do it well!)
  The world isn't really hurting for more BBSes right now though - what 
  it needs is moar users populating the already existing ones (;´Д`)
  User: lg
   Then all you need is:
     - a copy of the script: https://2ch.cx/src/982.zip
     - web hosting that allows PHP
     - a domain name
