469. ayashii domains   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/18(Sun) 00:40:29          
what are the original domains for the original ayashii world websites? are there any archive.org appearances?

471. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/18(Sun) 03:57:52          
> what are the original domains for the original ayashii world websites? are there any archive.org appearances?

It's not quite what you asked for, but I found this contemporary report 
on Ayashii World's "death" that contains the URL for it's "final 
resting place" (this article's still live, since 1998/9/5!):

Unfortunately the only things archived on that URL are some blog-like 
posts regarding Underground culture that went up after Ayashii World 
had already shut down, with only traces of URLs for other parts of the 

It also links to an early post-Shiba refuge board, but the only 
archives available were made a year after the shutdown:

Regarding what you actually asked for - I don't have anything yet 
(well, I might do - read on!), but man it's gonna be tough. Just look 
at how many different providers and variants they burned through!:
(see: しば時代 初期 (Early Shiba era) through to 
退避電機時代 (Evacuation denki era))

HOWEVER - I also found this surviving Tripod site, and despite the 
fact it appears to have been hacked at some point in 2003, it seems to 
still contain some of its original content - namely, parody 
posts/poems/songs regarding Shiba and Ayashii World. There's a few 
different pages here, but one in particular caught my attention:

It appears to be a manually archived reply page from a Shiba-era 
Ayashii World! All the URLs seem to be what would have been valid links 
to "http://free.prohosting.com/~_strange/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi", and the 
dates shown line up with the timeline linked above 
(see: 98年 2月21日 @プロホス誕生 (1998/02/21 birth of @Prohost))

It also uses a light teal color scheme (background = #007f7f), which 
KuzuhaScriptPHP refers to in it's config comments as being the 
"classic" color scheme, rather than the dark teal "REBIRTH" color 
scheme that most people are more familiar with (background = #004040)
That's right - Ayashii World didn't have what we would deem its iconic 
dark teal color scheme until January 1999, months after Shiba had quit!

Here's some more pages from that site, which also seems to house posts 
archived from prohosting era Ayashii World, but the pages themselves 
appear more hand-crafted than the one linked above:
(I like the "↑UZEEバナー↑" (UZEE banner) beneath the banner on that 
last one)

Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 00:40:29

474. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/18(Sun) 12:39:54          
> > what are the original domains for the original ayashii world websites? are there any archive.org appearances?
> It's not quite what you asked for, but I found this contemporary report 
> on Ayashii World's "death" that contains the URL for it's "final 
> resting place" (this article's still live, since 1998/9/5!):
> http://ninjin.net/radica/HTML/980905.html
> Unfortunately the only things archived on that URL are some blog-like 
> posts regarding Underground culture that went up after Ayashii World 
> had already shut down, with only traces of URLs for other parts of the 
> site:
> https://web.archive.org/web/sitemap/http://webdesign.server.ne.jp/strangeworld/
> It also links to an early post-Shiba refuge board, but the only 
> archives available were made a year after the shutdown:
> https://web.archive.org/web/19991012210320/http://abunai.hypermart.net/cgi-bin/minibbs.cgi
> Regarding what you actually asked for - I don't have anything yet 
> (well, I might do - read on!), but man it's gonna be tough. Just look 
> at how many different providers and variants they burned through!:
> https://geolog.mydns.jp/www.geocities.co.jp/Milkyway-Vega/4597/
> (see: しば時代 初期 (Early Shiba era) through to 
> 退避電機時代 (Evacuation denki era))
> HOWEVER - I also found this surviving Tripod site, and despite the 
> fact it appears to have been hacked at some point in 2003, it seems to 
> still contain some of its original content - namely, parody 
> posts/poems/songs regarding Shiba and Ayashii World. There's a few 
> different pages here, but one in particular caught my attention:
> https://yunasoft.tripod.com/faq/kaeuta.html
> It appears to be a manually archived reply page from a Shiba-era 
> Ayashii World! All the URLs seem to be what would have been valid links 
> to "http://free.prohosting.com/~_strange/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi", and the 
> dates shown line up with the timeline linked above 
> (see: 98年 2月21日 @プロホス誕生 (1998/02/21 birth of @Prohost))
> It also uses a light teal color scheme (background = #007f7f), which 
> KuzuhaScriptPHP refers to in it's config comments as being the 
> "classic" color scheme, rather than the dark teal "REBIRTH" color 
> scheme that most people are more familiar with (background = #004040)
> That's right - Ayashii World didn't have what we would deem its iconic 
> dark teal color scheme until January 1999, months after Shiba had quit!
> Here's some more pages from that site, which also seems to house posts 
> archived from prohosting era Ayashii World, but the pages themselves 
> appear more hand-crafted than the one linked above:
> https://yunasoft.tripod.com/faq/kaeuta2.html
> https://yunasoft.tripod.com/faq/kaeuta3.html
> https://yunasoft.tripod.com/faq/kaeuta4.html
> https://yunasoft.tripod.com/faq/kaeuta5.html
> https://yunasoft.tripod.com/faq/ccsakura.html
> (I like the "↑UZEEバナー↑" (UZEE banner) beneath the banner on that 
> last one)
> Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 00:40:29

Thank you lots for your educational posts!! so smart.. bear my children (´ー`)

Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 03:57:52

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