130. Ayashii World is up again?!   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 08:38:31          
  ∧_∧ ̄||ヽ、     
 (    ;) ||_|
 (__ つ三_ |
 /__ヽ) || ||
  _||_J || ||

131. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 09:01:00          
It's probably good to mention for the newer posters that 2ch-style AA made for MS Pgothic and derived fonts does not work on Ayashii-style boards, which use a different set of fonts.

Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 08:38:31

133. >Anonymous-san   User:    Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 12:12:33             
> It's probably good to mention for the newer posters that 2ch-style AA made for MS Pgothic and derived fonts does not work on Ayashii-style boards, which use a different set of fonts.
For those interested in downloading the font in case they don't have it installed already, here's a link.
If you want an alternative for it that still displays Ayashii AA correctly, try Osaka-mono. I've also heard MS Gothic (NOT MS PGothic) works for Ayashii AA.

Ayashii-style AA is much simpler to create than 2ch's AA based on MS PGothic. Ayashii's AA is the Japanese equivalent of monospaced Western ASCII art.
The fonts used for it only have two widths for the characters; a half-width and a full width. 2ch's AA uses complex, proportional fonts, and this makes
it a pain to work with by comparison, though it makes it far more detailed through the use of small characters.


Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 09:01:00

134. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 12:17:23          
> It's probably good to mention for the newer posters that 2ch-style AA made for MS Pgothic and derived fonts does not work on Ayashii-style boards, which use a different set of fonts.
> Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 08:38:31

True - the font used on Ayashii-style boards is MS Gothic, which is monospaced rather than proportional

Freedom-loving users can use the IPA MonaFonts, which include a metrically-compatible substitute for MS Gothic (ipag-mona.tff):

Kuz or whoever could then change the site's font-family to properly accomodate it:
body { font-family: IPAMonaGothic, "IPA モナー ゴシック", "MS Gothic", "MS ゴシック", monospace; }

Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 09:01:00

142. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 17:18:53          
     .               /				
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.-'  (_.'          .')                    `(    )  ))
                  (_  )                     ` __.:'

Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 12:17:23

143. weird church   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 17:21:12          
                                    .' '.
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                               LGB       '--._|___|     |__|

Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 09:01:00

145. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 17:22:23          
>                                       .
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>                         `--._|_________|_     | _ |  `- |_ |____|
>                                LGB       '--._|___|     |__|
> Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 09:01:00
This is where Mr. Yasutakes funeral will be held

Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 17:21:12

161. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 18:06:00          
> This is where Mr. Yasutakes funeral will be held
> Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 17:21:12

who? what?

Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 17:22:23

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